This checklist gives you quick overview of all the steps you need to do for CUCM upgrade 11.5.x to 12.5.x. I will list existing resources available on the Internet and add few things from my experience.
Before making any changes, please consult with Cisco TAC or do your own research /testing in lab environment.
Please dont consider this as step by step guide and be open to possibility that I may have missed few points:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager CallManager ENG-ISO.torrent 50. Cisco unified communications manager (callmanager), cisco unified communications manager (callmanager) 11.5 virtual server template (ova), cisco unified communications manager (callmanager) 12.5 virtual server template (ova), cisco unified communications manager (cucm) version 12.0, cisco unified call manager. Complete set of CUCM (Cisco Unified Communications Manager) ISO Images (Installation Files) This set of ISO Images are meant for installation in VMware and Virtual Environments. There are several versions of CUCM (11.0, 11.5, 12.0, 12.5) The highest version of CUCM is currently 12.5. Therefore, by default we provide 12.5 ISO Images. I am going to run through a quick procedure to make the downloadable Cisco CUCM ISO images bootable. When you download them they are non-bootable for some reason. Use this at your own risk, and you must have a support contract to use any Cisco products. I am not liable for anything you do or mess up! Cisco is nice enough to include the boot options and ISOLINUX files and configuration. For the installation we are going to need two downloads from The first is the OVA template and the second is the CUCM 11.5 ISO. The ISO is actually not bootable so you will need to make it bootable. I have a video on how to do that here. CUCM 11.5 - Esxi 6.5 - unable to create VM September 25, 2018 Hi Guys Had an issue where I was unable to deploy a Cisco Unified Call Manager 11.5 OVA to the VMWare Esxi 6.5 standalone server.
- I performed the upgrade few months ago so I might have forgot few things. I am human 🙂
- You may not have identical environment.
- You may even hit different issues which I didnt come across.
In short, I am not responsible for any disaster 🙂
Look for BRKUCC-2011 on Cisco live library, there are 2 prez/sessions contain all screenshots/details. Cisco live on demand library is very useful, informative and free. Just logon with your cco account or signup.
Keep Official upgrade guide handy for exhaustive list:
Note – On CUCM12.5 SU2, we are facing the bug CSCth35648 ( and a few others), causing ITL issues.
Run this command and if you see the error on the last line, then you are facing the bug. Contact Cisco TAC as they need to fix the permission issue using the root account. Also a few other things maybe.
In version 12.X we expect to have itl and ctl signed by ITLRecovery cert, if you don’t see it then it also needs to be fixed.
Rather than explain in detail, I let you contact Cisco TAC with bug ID and then will help you with actions, based on your scenario/specific issue.
admin: show itl
“Failed or interrupted I/O operations.
Error parsing the ITL File.”
- Figure out your target version. Know your WHY. Check release notes for open bug / open security vulnerabilities.
- Check your Platform / server hardware compatibility with target version. - Check your esxi version compatibility with target version. ( check BRKUCC-2011 prez).
- Check if any OVA template changes required ( RAM, CPU increase changes recommended or required). - Check compatibility of other applications relying on CUCM/CUC/UCCX with target version ( SBC, Voice GW, 3rd party apps..).
- Check the list of Deprecated Phone models listed in document, if you have any, take care of that in advance ( upgrade, replacement ..).
- Migrate your ELM/PLM licensing to Smart licensing. Check Cisco live BRKUCC-2725 for more details.
- If you decide, Deploy CSSM in advance.
For some servers/devices only Smart licensing is the option after specific version ( e.g. CUCM 12.5.x) , for some its still optional ( UCCX 12.5.x).
In Plain English, With Smart licensing, Cisco sync your license status/inventory to cloud rather than PAK based/ tied to your device offline mode ( so no pain when you change general setting and license mac changes). You need to decide whether you want to sync your Infra devices to Cisco licensing portal directly ( device having internet access), via http proxy or you can deploy CSSM on prem ( lightweight VM) which can sync license from Cisco and with your infra ( Man in the middle 🙂 ).
Smart licensing goes beyond UC servers You can deploy 1 CSSM and use for entire Org. You will need to organize and clarify the Smart Account Structure in advance. Check Cisco live BRKUCC-2725 for more details.
Example – Top – Smart account =
Sub level:
Virtual account = AP Collab
Virtual account = EU Collab
CSSM is simply a router/proxy which talks to internal devices with identifier and sync available licenses for your Smart accounts.
If you decide to use CSSM with Smart licensing, I suggest create a Smart account with Cisco and deploy/configure CCSM in advance then focus on license migration.
BRKUCC-2725 has all details on how to do license migration. If you get the error while doing the migration, open a case with licensing ( few times I got an error and licensing team helped doing from back end), they will deposit the licenses to your smart account. Probably you will need to provide, Smart account name, Smart account domain name, Virtual account name.
Plan your upgrade
- Plan your change window, open a change etc etc.
- Keep note that with RU upgrade, Server is down while upgrade is taking place on inactive partition. RU = refresh upgrade = Underlying Linux version is changing. Plan your downtime window accordingly.
- Decide your upgrade method – Direct or PCD. PCD = Prime Collaboration Deployment, VM you can deploy to orchestrate the migration/upgrades for you.
- Download the Software images and keep on sftp server. Notice the difference in between Restricted VS Unrestricted version, use the correct image. - Keep a OVA file/ bootable image of your existing version on sftp just in case you will need to rebuild the server. If you have Enterprise Agreement with Cisco, you can download by yourself or else, open a Cisco TAC and ask for images.
Bootable images arent available/same under download page.
From 12.x CUCM and Unity connection ISO are separate. - Either verify that you have rights to deploy new VM or keep your team ready who can create a new VM in change window, if you have to rebuild a server ( worst case scenario).
- If your server has a uptime of more than 365 days, Its nice to plan and give it a reboot in advance to your upgrade.
- Verify you have rights to remove existing/old VM snapshots before upgrade.
- Verify the free space. You will need ~43 GB space. Some ways to clean space are:
Run a cop file which cleanup the space( may need to do in downtime). Ask Cisco TAC before you do it, it might delete your inactive partition sw.
Reduce the log size.
Delete unused load files from CUCM O.S admin –> load management. - Open a Cisco TAC case for support in advance and inform them to requeue the case to engineer who is available in your change window. Put basic details about what you are doing in that case, it will save your time in change window.
Note that you may need to call TAC frontline and may or may not need to raise a Sev in change window as Cisco TAC could be busy with multiple cases. - Read the upgrade guide carefully.
- Review the Recommended Sequence in advance from upgrade doc. See some notes here:
Publisher node MUST be Upgraded first.
Switchover options depends on the collaboration product.
CUCM Publisher can be switched over before Subscriber(s) Upgrade Startup.
DRU Only –> Switchover IM&P Publisher after CUCM Cluster Database Replication Completes.
CUC Publisher must NOT be switched over before Subscriber Upgrade Completes. - Try the upgrade in lab/ Pre-pod to avoid any surprises.
- Prepare your test plan in advance. What you are gonna test and how are you gonna test it.
1 day before or in same change window
- Verify/take your fresh backup. Back Up Custom Ringtones and Background Images.
- Ensure SFTP is up. Please use SFTP in same location to CUCM to minimize the delay( upgrade iso is ~4G).
- Keep your O.S /Cluster password and SFTP password handy.
In change window ( Pre-upgrade tasks)
- Run Pre-upgrade check cop file. It checks many pre-req but common issue you may see is NTP/Free space/Expire cert/ Simple password, fix issues before upgrade.
If you are using Win NTP or Stratum 4 or above, you may see error. Fix your cert. Change of password. Check upgrade guide for more. - Verify your backup. Take details/screenshots of registered device count/ VG/ SIP trunks.
- Make VM/OVA related changes RAM/CPU if needed.
- Change VM compatibility. CUCM 12.5 needs ESXi 6.5 ( 13). Note that once you change, you might not be able to roll this back.
- Change Guest OS type. See the doc, you will nee to change it to CentOS 7 (64 bit). Its under VM general setting, if its greyed out maybe because you need to shutdown the server first. Should be done before CUCM upgrade.
- Change adapter type to VMXNet3 ( if its not already).
- Update to the latest Vmware tools.
- Remove old VM snapshots.
- You can disable TFTP services and do few other tweaks mentioned in document to expedite/smooth the upgrade.
- Do the upgrade from O.S admin. Follow the seq mentioned in doc ( Upgrade Pub –> Sub1 –> Sub2 …, Switch version Pub –> Sub1 –> Sub2 ..). Be aware of some known issues, with CUC, even if you select do not reboot after upgrade, it might 🙂
For CUC, you may need to run a pre-req cop file as ISO file is changing. Ask TAC.
When you do uccx es release, verify the procedure from the doc, it maybe recommended to do from cli ( as there maybe known issue with tomcat).
Note – In RU, DB replication may take some time, be patient or ask TAC.
Post upgrade
- Run the post upgrade COP.
- Reset any parameters you changed to optimize the upgrade ( TFTP, enterprise parameters). Check upgrade doc for more details.
- Upgrade your RTMT.
- Check Device count/ Trunk/ Vg status.
- Check all the services. Check all the integration ( CCX, CUC …)
- Optional : Switch from Native to Open Vmware Tools via OS Admin CLI –> utils vmtools switch open
- Change Transport Settings for CUCM for Smart Licensing ( you can find the URL from CSSM or from doc or google it).
Common issue you might face is DNS resolution for CSSM , so use IP address and port 80. If your DNS and Cert is all good then it could be different issue, like reachability ( IP/Port). - Create or copy existing registration token from CSSM or Smart Software Manager satellite server to CUCM.
- Do your usual testing.
If you find have any feedback, suggestions, please feel free to put the comment or DM me on LinkedIn.
Helped a customer upgrade from 11.0 to CSR 11.5, CUCM 11.5(1)SU1; IM&P 11.5(1)SU1; CUC 11.5(1)SU1.
Unity Connection 11.5
You must apply ciscocm.cuc_11.5SU1_pre_upgrade.cop.sgn before you upgrade to 11.5 because of bugid CSCvb02774. The install of the patch is straightfoward and does not require a reboot. I also ran a utils iothrottle disable to make the upgrade run faster (since it was being done after hours.)
If you’re upgrading from 10.x or earlier it is CRITICAL to increase your VM RAM to 6GB. (This was something I ran into when going to 11.0. If you leave it at 4GB it will not function properly at all.)
The upgrade ran normally and took a quite a while for the switch-version to complete.
On a site note, I noticed that the new Unity Connection (CUC) 11.5 .ova files define a 200GB HDD for the bigger VM. I investigated increasing my HDD from 160 to 200GB, but found out that CUC does NOT support dynamic resize of the HDD. This will cause the partition to be unaligned and you’ll get to rebuild CUC from scratch. So leave it at it’s current size.
CUCM 11.5
To save time during the upgrade window, the day before I preloaded the 11.5 ISO on my remote ESXi datastores so that it wouldn’t take forever for the ISO to SFTP over to the remote offices (they have limited bandwidth) , then I attached those ISOs as virtual DVDs to the CUCM servers via vShpere and then launched those upgrades as though they were coming from DVD instead of a remote file server.
The first attempt to launch the upgrade on the Pub failed with the old “common parition doesn’t have enough space” business. I used RTMT to decrease the Low and High logging watermark to 45 and 40 respectively (and restarted the log partition monitoring service) to create room.
Purge Log Files by Changing the Log Partition Watermarks
- Another way to create additional disk space is by changing the high and low watermarks on the system. This informs Unified CM of the numbers of log files to purge once the watermark is reached. Use RTMT as follows:
- Launch RTMT and log in to the desired cluster.
- From the left pane, select Alert Central.
- On the right pane, double-click LogPartitionHighWaterMarkExceeded. Change the threshold value to 40.
- On the right pane, double-click LogPartitionLowWaterMarkExceeded. Change the threshold value to 45.
- This data is polled every five minutes. Allow five to 10 minutes and then check the drive partitions for additional disk space by using one of the methods described above.
As usual, I ran the Pub first (without switching version), when it completed, I ran the Subs (also without switching versions).
If you’re coming from 11.0, the utils iothrottle disable command is not necessary. (You can try to run it but CUCM 11.0 tells you it is unneeded.)
I rebooted the Pub and then Subs as normal.
IM&P 11.5
Cucm 11.5 Eos
This was also a typical upgrade. The switch-version took a LONG time for services to come up on the reboot.