Stationary Designs For Outlook 2016 Email

Note: These procedures work only if you use HTML as your message format. To learn how to use HTML as the message format, see: How do I change the format of all my new messages to HTML?

Apply Outlook stationery and themes to all messages

To create the stationery using Outlook's editor: Click the New button to open a new message form. If your default format is not HTML, change it to HTML (Format text tab in Outlook 2007/2010; Format menu in older versions.) Insert your images and any other elements you want to use and adjust the sizes as needed (don't use huge images in email. Outlook emails design. Actually, it does not really matter if you use a big number of images, or if you apply bright colors. The only and the best tip is Outlook email design should be appropriate for your company and the type of email you send. Just make sure your messages comprise brand identities. Disabled smart cursoring in Outlook. Disabled subpixel position in Outlook. Disabled hardware acceleration. Like I said, none of those worked, only changing the font to Arial. Other fonts seem to show the same problem as well. This was an upgraded Office installation from Office 2010 to 2016, in case that matters. Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 File- section Options- section Mail- hold CTRL while clicking on the button: Stationery and Fonts Outlook 2007 Tools- Options- tab Mail Format- hold CTRL while clicking on the button: Stationery and Fonts Outlook 2003 and previous.

Outlook email
  1. Click the File tab.

  2. Click Options.

  3. Click Mail.

  4. Click Stationery and Fonts.

  5. On the Personal Stationery tab, click Theme.

    Note: If you try this procedure without HTML as your message format, the message Themes are not installed appears.

  6. Under Choose a theme, click the theme or stationery that you want and then click OK.

  7. Select the font options that you want to use.

How do I change the format of all my new messages to HTML?

  1. Click the File tab.

  2. Click Options.

  3. Click Mail.

  4. Under Compose messages, in the Compose messages in this message format list, click HTML.

Apply Outlook stationery and themes to a single message

  1. Click the Home tab.

  2. In the New group, click New Items, point to Email Message Using, and then click More Stationery.

  3. Under Choose a Theme, click the theme or stationery that you want and then click OK.

  4. Compose and send your message.

Turn off Outlook stationery and themes

StationaryStationary Designs For Outlook 2016 Email
  1. Click the File tab.

  2. Click Options.

  3. Click Mail.

  4. Under Compose messages, click Stationery and Fonts.

  5. On the Personal Stationery tab, click Theme.

  6. Under Choose a Theme, click (No Theme).

A Path Well Chosen
The Art of Randy McGovern

Stationary Designs For Outlook 2016 Email Login

Artists Series Collection Series I
Art of Byerley and Sierak

Artists Series II
Art by Mark Keathley
A Simpler Time
The Art of Bob Byerley
A Spinner Of Dreams
The Art of Denton Lund
A Tribute To Mom
Cloudeight Stationery
Above and Below
The art of David Miller
All Holiday Stationery
Complete Holiday Listing
Allusions Series
Featured Artists Series

Outlook Download

American Childhood
Art by Bob Byerley
American Cowboy
The Art of Kenneth Wyatt
America Tribute
Our Tribute to America
The art of Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
Angel stationery collection

The Art of Anastasia
Animal Life
The art of Barbara Keith
The Arizona Kid
The art of Carlos Hadaway
Art Dreams
The Art of Jason Steel
Artistic Journeys
The Art of Joyce Birkenstock
Aurora Dreams
The Art of Penny Parker
Baby Brownies
The art of James Browne
Colorful Hot Air Balloons
Believe In Magic
The Art of J.W. & Sandi Baker
Before the Storm
The Art of Alan Ainslie
Birds and Butterflies
The Art of Penny Parker
Bless The Children
The Art of Sheri Doty
Blessed Seasons
The Art of Danny Hahlbohm
Blessed Seasons 2
The Art of Danny Hahlbohm
The art of Tracy Hall
Breath of Life
The Art of Sheri Doty
Bridges To Yesterday
The Art of Byerley & Sierak
Butterfly Dreams
The art of Jeff Wilkie
Canines Series
Special Canines Series
Cartoon Tyme
The Art of Brian David
Cats! Big and Small
Felines In All Sizes
Celebrating America
The Art of Penny Parker
Celtic and Fantasy
Art of Johanna Pieterman
Cherished Moments
The Art of Paula Vaughan
Child Inside (The)
The Art of James Browne
Child Inside II (The)
The Art of James Browne
Christian Collection
Christian Stationery
Christian 2 Collection
The Art of Danny Hahlbohm
All Christmas Selections

Cowboy Art
The Art of Boots Reynolds
CZA: Intertwined
The Art of CZA
Dance Of Dreams
Art of Josephine Wall
Day of the Dolphins
The art of Jeffrey Wilkie
Delicate Sensitivity
The Art of Ava Freeman
The Art Of Val Stokes
Distant Worlds
Art of Marino Di Fazio
Dreams Series
Dreams Series Stationery
Easter Stationery
Our Easter Creations
The Art of Vera Griffin
The Art of Jim Warren
Equine: Wild and Free!
For Horse Lovers
Essence of Autumn
The Art of Mark Keathley
Enchanted World
The art of Rachel Tallamy