Sims 4 Abuse Mod

  1. Sims 4 Abuse Mod Relationship
  2. Sims 4 Abuse Mod
  1. THE SIMS 4 GUIDE TO EXTREME VIOLENCE MOD. By wickedpixxel about a year ago 11.2k Views. The Extreme Violence Mod adds deadly and non-deadly interactions to the game, including functional weapons, gangs, serial killers, and even police to cart you off to jail. That’s just the tip of the iceberg because there are a vast number of features.
  2. I’d recommend Extreme Violence (allows sims to beat each other up through various animations) and Hoe it Up (stripper mod) both by Sacrifical, Basemental’s Drug Mod (allows interactions with drugs such as cocaine, weed, ecstasy, etc.), and Nisa’s Wicked Perversions which adds a lot of content to WW.
Sims 4 Abuse Mod

The Sims 4: 10 Completely Unethical Mods You Won't Believe Exist. Teenage Pregnancy. The subject of teenage pregnancy might not be as taboo as it once was, with MTV glamourising it as a 'trend. Sims 4 Abusive Relationship Mod. Installing the mod can cause problems with the love dart: it can get stuck, deform, start floating in the air, or lose its complexion. It could be gone too. Life's not easy. Adult naptime no longer happens under the sheets, with oozing hearts. Wicked Whimswill blow the cloud of pixels away from the Sims' most. Sims 4 Child Abuse Mod. Mod Sims 4 Download. Mod Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy. Any challenges that you guys are currently doing with you simlies? Extreme violence: you can shoot, choke, and beat up simsBasemental drugs: you can snort coke, take MDMA, drink alcohol, smoke weed, and snort speed. You can also bake weed brownies, become addicted to drugs.

10. Teenage Pregnancy

Sims 4 Abuse Mod Relationship

The subject of teenage pregnancy might not be as taboo as it once was, with MTV glamourising it as a 'trend' nowadays, but it's hardly something that will come standard with The Sims 4 or even in an Expansion Pack for that matter. With this mod comes teenage Woohoo, which means you could end up making your own version of Juno or Saved with your creations. However, just so you know, pregnant Sims are moody and require a lot of attention, and a teenager is even worse. Could you just imagine the pressure of highschool, a part-time job, pimples, a bun in the oven AND telling your parents about it? You're in for a rough ride... But, if you feel your teenage Sim needs more drama in her life (you terrible, horrible person), the mod can be downloaded at various websites like Mod The Sims, Sims VIP or Nraas.

Sims 4 Abuse Mod