Izotope Rx Comb Filter

Sound effects / recordings: The Comb Filter hollows out the sound by carving out frequencies at each multiple of the base frequency, like the teeth of a comb. The Comb Filter will mix the signal with a delayed version of itself, creating a filter with repeated troughs and peaks across the spectrum. It's also possible to process left and right differently in a way that not only gives a wide. Attempt crazy vocal effects with RX Elements. Believe it or not, you can use RX creatively, not just for repair issues. Recently I had a direct order from the writer of an audio drama to raise the level of mouth noises on a character, so he could sound more creepy. Stutter & Buffer. At the heart of Stutter Edit 2 are the Stutter and Buffer controls, letting you blur the lines between melody, rhythm, and sound. Stutter Edit 2 cuts or “buffers” your audio up into razor-sharp slices and plays them back at different speeds. Set a slower stutter for funkier grooves, or create edits so fast that they turn. The iZotope Remix Bundle is a limited time bundle including RX 8 Standard, Stutter Edit 2, BreakTweaker Expanded, and Iris 2 at an amazing discount! Used on countless albums, movies, and TV shows to restore damaged, noisy audio to pristine condition, RX is a post-production powerhouse.

Clean edits, tonal balance, a brilliant EQ, perfect dynamics, and tasteful ambience—this article is about none of that! Instead we’re going to examine how Nectar 3, RX Elements, VocalSynth 2, and a few bonus goodies, can help you achieve interesting, esoteric, exciting new vocal effects.

1. Harmony vocals with Nectar 3

Izotope rx comb filter cartridgesIzotopeIzotope Rx Comb Filter

If you need quick harmony vocals, the Harmony module Nectar 3 provides the ability to add them. You can pan them however you like, change their level, raise or lower their interval, and even, in MIDI mode, select the very notes they’ll be singing.


Some light processing on the harmonies can be accomplished within Nectar 3 as well, including two-band tonal shaping and time delay. As with the previous iteration, you can solo the harmony vocals only, which opens up a new world of possibilities, as you can now use the Nectar track as a vocal-harmony effects generator in parallel with the original vocal.


Izotope Rx Comb Filter Replacement

You could, for instance, go fully wide with harmonies, have them only kick in for the chorus, and then add reverb to those harmonies for more ambience. You could sidechain the harmonies with VocalSynth 2 for a gloom pop or future pop sound (more on that later).

Izotope Rx Comb Filter Cartridges

Conversely, you could go the unison route: doubled vocals can give you a classic widened effect employed on many pop choruses. Want to take it further? Combine two panned unison vocals with saturation, EQ, and some modulation from the Dimension module, and you can whip up an interesting sound that doubles your lead vocal, beefing it up during important sections.

Izotope Rx Noise Reduction

Here’s a bonus harmony tip—one that works particularly well with female lead vocals in a power-pop or rock context: Put on a relatively aggressive compressor. Next, solo the harmonies as your third module in a mono instance of Nectar 3. Add one harmony an octave below the vocal. Now compare the effect to the rest of the track, paying close attention to its relation to the lead vocal.