Dnd 5e Cleric Evil Domain Dmg

The Ultimate D&D 5E Cleric Class Guide (2021) Clerics are holy warriors, devout protectors, and pious guardians of those who cannot defend themselves. They are a versatile bunch that draw power from their faith and the deities that sponsor them. Depending on the belief of the individual Cleric, their abilities can vary drastically. Re: Maximizing the Death Domain Cleric. Originally Posted by Wilb. Well, the Death Domain has a feature that makes all your necrotic damage (except for your divine strike, for some odd reason) ignore resistance. So, as long as the creature isn't immune, you can explode it. Its quite a good domain for killing undead.

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Dnd 5e Cleric Evil Domain Dmg 5e

You are sinister and cruel, and have wholly pledged your soul to the cause of evil.

Granted Powers

Touch of Evil (Sp): You can cause a creature to become sickened as a melee touch attack. Creatures sickened by your touch count as good for the purposes of spells with the evil descriptor. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Scythe of Evil (Su): At 8th level, you can give a weapon touched the unholy special weapon quality for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and an additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.

Dnd 5e Cleric Evil Domain Dmg

Domain Spells: 1st—protection from good, 2nd—align weapon (evil only), 3rd—magic circle against good, 4th—unholy blight, 5th—dispel good, 6th—create undead, 7th—blasphemy, 8th—unholy aura, 9th—summon monster IX (evil spell only).




Dnd 5e Cleric Evil Domain Dmg List

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.