Citrix Receiver 10.10

Update to the latest Citrix Receiver ( and only configure the storefront during either the initial installation or later on via group policy. We had the Storefront URL set initially during the installation and centrally by GPO, somehow the Receiver couldn’t handle that in our organization. Regards Christoph. To uninstall the Citrix Receiver from your Windows computer. Follow the below steps: (1) To uninstall the previous version of the Citrix Receiver or Citrix Client, it is recommended that you download, extract, and run the Citrix Clean-Up Utility. The utility provides a thorough and comprehensive removal of older versions of Citrix Receiver.

  1. Citrix Receiver 10.10.5
  2. Citrix Receiver 10.12
  3. Citrix Receiver 10.10 Mac
  4. Citrix Receiver Mac Os X 10.10
  5. Citrix Receiver 10.15

  • Citrix receiver for OS X 10.10 Ask question Announcements. Seamlessly Migrate on-premises Citrix ADM to Citrix Cloud. For more information refer to.
  • Citrix Receiver not Launching in Windows 10. Citrix Receiver for Windows 10 has a list of arguably smart features, however there are several issues that constantly pop-up and prevent Citrix Receiver from launching in Windows 10. For instance, launching Citrix with the regular domain user account fails to launch the desktops and applications.
Users upgrading to OSX 10.10 who want to continue to use Receiver should install the Receiver for Mac 11.9 Tech Preview.
10.10How will existing users of Receiver 11.8.2 and XenApp and XenDesktop be impacted?
Users may experience issues with unresponsive keyboard input while using Receiver or may not be able to connect through NetScaler Gateway.
As this is a major OSX update, the full extent of possible issues user may experience with Receiver for Mac 11.8.2 is unknown.
Reporting issues for tech preview
Tech preview is not supported by Citrix tech support. Users on Mac OSX 10.10 using the Receiver for Mac 11.9 – Tech Preview should report issues to the Tech Support Discussions Forum.

Additional Resources

Citrix Receiver 10.10.5

CTX200212 - Keyboard Input Fails in Citrix Session from Receiver for Mac with OSX 10.9.5

Symptoms or Error

Citrix Receiver 10.12

Receiver for Mac users receive the following error message when accessing StoreFront or Web Interface applications:
'SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust 'Certificate Authority', the issuer of the server's security certificate. Error #: 183'


Citrix Receiver For Mac Catalina

Citrix Receiver 10.10 Mac



Important! This article is intended for use by System Administrators. If you are experiencing this issue and you are not a System Administrator, contact your organization's Help Desk for assistance and refer them to this article.

Update to the Latest Receiver Version

  • Upgrade to the latest version of Receiver to verify if this resolves the issue.
  • If you are using SHA2 certificates then the older version of Receiver does not support these certificate. Refer to CTX200114 - Citrix Receiver Support for SHA-2 to view the Receiver versions which supports SHA-2 certificates.

If this does not resolve the issue then proceed to the next section.

For information on Receiver feature updates refer to - Citrix Receiver Feature Matrix.


Citrix Receiver Mac Os X 10.10

Missing Root/Intermediate Certificate

This error message suggests that the Mac client device does not have the required root certificate/intermediate certificate to establish trust with the certificate authority who issued the Secure Gateway/NetScaler Gateway server certificate.

Citrix Receiver 10.15

Complete the following steps to resolve this issue:

The Dropzone window opens with a list of available actions. Drop to perform one-touch actions, like open files within a specific app, upload directly to services, like Google Drive and Amazon S3, or create a.ZIP archive.Dropzone is $10 to buy but offers a free 15-day trial period. Takes drag and drop to the next level, and allows you to move, copy, upload, and more from a single interface.First, you grab your file and drag it to the top of the screen. Mac app for programming.

  1. Open the Keychain Access in the Applications > Utilities folder:

  2. Highlight the X509 Anchors Keychain in the menu (you might have to authenticate to do this).

  3. Browse through the Certificate Authorities to find the company that has issued the certificate that is being used by the Secure Gateway/NetScaler Gateway – for this example, Thawte Premium Server CA:

  4. Vce exam simulator for mac crack. Highlight the certificate and select File > Export from the menu bar:

  5. The default File Format should be Certificate (.cer).
    Note: You might need to rename the certificate to a .CRT extension for the client to properly identify the certificate.

  6. Save the certificate to the ApplicationsCitrix ICA Clientkeystorecacerts folder (create this folder if it does not exist):

Additional Resources

CTX101990 - Error: 'The server certificate received is not trusted (SSL Error 61)' for Receiver Users
CTX203362 - Error: 'The server certificate received is not trusted (SSL Error 61)' on Receiver for Linux
CTX200836 - Error: 'SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust 'Certificate Authority'..' When Launching Apps with Citrix Online Plug-in