Quake 3 ServerSetup Guide
Last updated 20 March, 2001 09:38 AM -0500
By William 'd0gmA' Gall
- Cannot run Quake III Arena on Windows 10 smoothly. Just purchased and installed Q3A on my Win 10 laptop. When i click any of the buttons on the Q3A main menu, the game lags tremendously and i keep hearing bleep sound of the buttons. I also tried running it on diff. Compatibility modes but still the problem persists.
- Quake III: Arena 1.0 on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs. This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from action games without restrictions. Quake III Arena 1.0 is available to all software users as a free download for Windows.
Q3 Q3A Quake 3: Arena. Q3 Q3A Quake 3: Arena. Popular on Giant Bomb 37 episode Giant Bombcast 694: Dirty Fluids. 48 episode Quick Look: F1 2021.
This guide will talk you through the setup of a Quake 3 server for LAN parties or Internet play. I will include specificinstructions to setup a Q3 Server on both Red Hat 6.2 and Windows NT4.0. I acknowledge the fact that Q3 will run on several other Linux distributionsas well as BEOS but for simplicity sake will only cover RedHat 6.2 and NT. This documentdoes not cover setting up Q3 Demo or Q3Test servers thought I mayconsider putting up demo instructions if requested.
This document is a work in progress and will be updated on adaily basis until it is robust enough to stand on its own. If you have anyquestions feel free to ask them over at our Quake 3 adminforum. If you see any mistakes or know any info that should beadded here please feel free to post a note under suggestionsin the forum.
New Forums
Ok not being satisfied with the old forums I have upgraded to W-Agora whichis another freeware forum package but this one looks quite a bit like UBB andhas most of the functions I have been looking for. You will notice thatthe latest threads links to the right are missing due to the new forums I amgoing to have to code some hooks into the new baord for the latest threadfeature. I hope eveyrone enjoys and uses the newforums. You can nowregister also so you don't have to keep typing your info.
Server.cfg workaround
I had a brainstorm last night and have been testing it all day. Because q3config.cfg gets executed on every map change it has been challengingto set cvars on servers and get them to stick. The solution I have issimple. For Team Arena servers make a blank q3config.cfg in yourmissionpack dir and then set it to readonly. This allows it to be executedon every map change however Quake 3 can't write to it and reset any of yourserver.cfg cvars. If anyone finds a problem with this please let me knowas it has been working on my servers for the last 10 hours.
A lot of people have been writing about not being able to set theirhostname or other variables and have them stick in 1.27g. The problem is abug in 1.27g where the q3config.cfg runs every time you change a map. Whenit does it sets everything back to the settings that were saved the last timeyou ran the server, therefore discarding any changes made in your server.cfg. To solve this I have been making my changes to server.cfg and then starting theserver, after the server starts go to the console and exec server.cfg and thenshutdown the server. This will write out all your seta commands to theq3config.cfg so next time you start the server all your settings willstick. However this means you have to seta everything or in the case ofthings like capturelimit you will have to set it from the console before youshutdown the server. Hopefully this will be fixed quickly.
Christmas Updates
Took some time this morning to update several things including the commandlist and the Variablespage to include the 1.27g info as well as the Team Arena stuff. MerryChristmas. I also whipped up a page that has all the TeamArena mapshots and map roations listed on it for reference which should helppeople recognize the different maps.
More Linux madness
Ok thanks to TheRealTimbo over at the Quake3 World Forums I now have my Linux server up and running TA stuff. Theproblem was you need to add +set vm_game 1 to the command line to not use thedll's but instead use the qvm's. See ya there!!
Linux Binaries Are Here !!!!!
We now have the Linux binaries so lets get busy. I will makesome updates as soon as I get my server up and going and have a few matches ofOne Flag. UPDATE: Well I can get my server up and running fine however Ihaven't been able to connect to is as I get the couldn't register james/redbug. If anyone knows a solution to this it would be nice to be able totest my server out. I haven't had any problems getting on any otherservers however everytime I get on one and check it out its a win32 server so Iam not sure if its a linux patch problem or what.
Good News I received an email from Marty Stratton at id Softwareand if all goes well I should be able to start getting some answers for thequestions I haven't been able to answer over the last year like the mysterycvars and dmflags and so forth.
Server Batch Files
id has released the server batch files that were accidentally leftoff of the TA CD. You can download them here.Usage of the batch files it simply to type the batch filename then +exec and themaplist you want to use.
Hence for a 1 Flag CTF server running the Terrain maps (Thisrocks) you would simply type:
mp_1flag_server.bat +exec terrain_maps.cfg
On the other side of things I have been experiencing severalz_malloc errors on mpterra2. The other two maps run flawlessly and 1 flagTerrain play simply rocks. If anyone has a fix for this let me know.
Last order is the Linux binaries. Until the Linux binariesare released us Linux sysops will just have to wait but that will give us timeto upload that 350 mb pak file to our server I guess :)
Team Arena Baby!!!!!!!!!
Ok its here and now you want to set up a Team Arena server. Problemis, id has failed to provide us once again with clear and concise infofor setting up a server. The dedicated server readme for TA states thatthey have included batch files for the 4 different game types as well as maprotation scripts for Large, small and terrain maps. Half correct the pack filefor TA does contain the map rotation scripts but there are no batch files. I have however updated the gametype section to reflect the new gametypesand I have added a small section to command line toget TA servers up and running.
I will also be working on adding in all the info from the Quake3 1.27g point release patch into the various pages though if you do seesomething I may have missed please feel free to drop me a line as I want this documentas complete as possible. Got suggestions ? Let me know bill@3dgw.com
Rocket Arena 3
Ok the first few problems for RA3 are starting to pop up. One big one isthat you have to make sure you set +con hunkmegs 56 on the command line or yourserver will quit. I have read on several forums that this is not true yethave not gotten either a Linux or Win32 server to cycle all the maps without itset to 56.
Problem #2: Add g_dowarmup 0 to your server.cfg. Other wise you will have these double countdowns going and when the match startsit will kick you right back out.
Problem #3: I cannot for the life of me turn offindividual weapons from the in game admin. I am scanning through the doxright now and will post more on this one later. I know its not a passwordproblem as I can change maps fine.
Problem #4: The in game browsers pings Lie like hell. Myserver returned a 600+ ping for me but when I got on the server my ping was ahappy 99. This is going to deter players from your server so let them allknow the in game browser is not to be trusted.
The long awaited Rocket Arena 3 is finally out and available and I wouldpost up my notes on setting up the server. Linux folks should copy thera310cl_linux.gz file into their quake 3 directory and then use tar-xzvfra310cl_linux.gz to unzip it. It will create the arena dir and all subdirsas it extracts the files. Then all you need to do is unzip the ra310sv.zipinto the arena dir and edit the config files. If anyone has any tips orquestions post over at the Q3AForum and I will try to answer them all.
I have had several requests to add a section that included how to set upmods. It would be quite impossible for me to have a fully comprehensive mod guidethat covered the entire install of mods but this should get you on the righttrack.
Banning Section
At a few users request I have added a section on IPBanning for obnoxious players.
Remote Console
Remote Console or Rcon is a way to allow you to do mostserver administration task while connected and playing on your server right frominside Quake 3 itself. I have added this section due to quite a fewrequests from people sending me e-mail.
Point Release 1.16n
Just minutes after the release of the final Point release I mirrored allfiles and am now hard at work updating everything to include all the new stuffso keep an eye out. Here are some brief Linux installinstructions I have also updated the Variablespage also.
Zoid on Linux Autodownload
Zoid updated his .plan with the following on Linux Autodownload
Just anote to linux server operators who are putting custom maps on forautodownloading. The current Linux server binary doesn't check for the file inthe basepath, but in the cdpath. That this means is downloads try to come from$HOME/.q3a/baseq3/ and will fail (the client ends up with a zero byte file). Tofix this for now, you can force basepath like this on your server:
./q3ded +set fs_basepath `/bin/pwd` +exec blah.cfg
Where `/bin/pwd` will expand to the current directory you are running the serverfrom. You can also explicitly state the path there if you wish.
This will make autodownloading work correctly on Linux servers. In a futureversion, we'll make sure that the server checks both base and cdpath.
Autodownload notes
I spent a while this morning playing with the autodownload. On the Linuxserver you can put the maps in the $HOME/.q3a/baseq3/ dir and the serverwill run the maps fine so I am not sure where zoids note above really mattersother than having your maps in a separate place. The autodownload rate isbased off your maxrate so over the lan it takes 10 minutes to grab a 2.5 megfile which is insane. I wrote Robert Duffy to see if this was correct orif there was something I should be changing here. This would make a 2.5meg map a 20 minute download over a 33.6 modem which pretty much makesautodownload worthless except on very small maps. Even when settingmaxrate to 30000 it takes around 4 minutes. Over a 100mb link that's stillnot very promising.
New Variable list
I just noticed that I hadn't put a link to my variable list I have beenworking on. Here is a list of the usefulvariables for Quake 3 server. Please feel free to e-mail me anything Imight have missed and share the knowledge.
Forum Quick Links
I have added the quick links to news and the latest 5 forum posts to theright of the guide here so you don't miss any groovy things like the latest UTPatch release or a smoking hot thread on the forum that you just happen to knoweverything about or wanted to know more.
Point Release Beta Readme Info
Here are the changes that effect us server ops from the point release beta:
Voting can change gametype if current map does not support current game type
possible team uneven measures? (as in L-Fire CTF) Prevent team join, prevent capture, prevent flag pickup
fixed bot_minplayers, kept loading bots during intermission because
added g_needpass serverinfo so remote browsers can determine if a password is needed
g_teamAutoJoin (default off), sets it so players automatically join a team on connect
g_teamForceBalance (default off), forces it so that the spread between the number of players on a team is no more than two. Player will be disallowed to join a team with two or more players than the other.
added callvote nextmap, and display available callvote commands if usage is incorrect
added g_needpass serverinfo so remote browsers can determine if a password is needed
added the ability to set g_password to 'none' which means no password. This makes /rcon g_password none work
Add g_doWarmup to allow warmup countdown timer on all game modes. This helps out in clan matches, since they can do a restart and get a fair countdown (as opposed to a random map_restart that is abruptive). This also gives people with slow load times a fair chance
add g_doWarmup to callvote so people can vote in the warmup option
Added IP banning. Similar to Quake2 method. Two new commands addip _mask_ and removeip _mask_. The ban list is saved in a cvar called g_banIPs. g_filterBan controls ban direction (default value of non-zero means everyone is allowed to connect, except thos
If a callvote passes with 'map _mapname_', the game will keep the value of nextmap the same. This allows a player call vote a map change without upsetting the map rotation
com_hunkMegs now works properly, com_hunkMegs has a minimum value of 56 for standard gameplay and 1 for a dedicated server connecting to a pure server works properly, no more kickouts
More on bots
I have seen a whole lot of talk about the new Q3ASC release talking aboutthe new Automatic bots it adds so I thought I would point out that you can dothat with a regular config using bot_minplayers as you will see in the Server Bots section. I would also like to say that Q3ASC is a great tool and if youwant a nice easy way to configure and organize several configurations thisprogram is for you. Grab it over at the Q3ASCHomepage.
Setting Server Info such as admin e-mail
Many people have asked how they can set server info such as the admin nameand admin e-mail so they will show up in gamespy like on quake 2 servers.
sets - Sets a server defined variable viewable from Gamespy such as admin E-Mail ect.
usage: sets <variable> <value>
example: sets Admin 'William Gall'
example: sets 'Admin E-Mail' 'bill@3dgw.com'
New Command List
I have started a new commandlist which I will be working on today to try to get as many commands aspossible explained.
If you have a server and have the sv_pure set to 1 then all clientsthat have extra models such as the Dungeon Keeper 2 Horney Model will be kickedback to the menu upon every map change. I suggest you set it to 0 unlessyou are running a clan match of some sort.
Server Bot Warning:
If you have bot_enable set to 1 on Windows dedicated servers the CDwill be required to start the server. This in mind you might want to add:
+set bot_enable 0
to the command line or at least
seta bot_enable 0
in your server.cfg
This is a list of issues that collectively as a group we havediscovered to be a problem/bug or simply haven't found a solution for yet. If you know the solution to one of these issues then please let us know. If you know of an issue you think should be here post a note on the forum.
Autodownload over a LAN uses modem speeds which are to slow for practical use.
q3config.cfg runs on every map change
A. Linux Install
Download the latest Linux Dedicated binaries linuxq3apoint-1.17.x86.run(9.8 MB).
Step 2. Installation.
Create a directory for Quake 3 usually /usr/local/games/quake3 and copy orupload the pak0.pk3 pack file from your Windows CD to the baseq3 directory.
Then make the 1.17 update executable and then run it like so:
chmod +x linuxq3apoint-1.17.x86.run
Follow the instructions in the installer and your server will beall ready to configure.
Windows 9x/NTInstall
For the windows installs everything you need is already onthe CD. You should be able to simply create a directory on your hard drivesuch as Quake3 and then copy the quake3.exe into it and then make aquake3baseq3 dir and copy the pak0.pk3 file into it. You can however do anormal install from the CD as well.
The Server.cfg
The next step is setting up a server.cfg that will configureyour server every time you start it. Quake3 ships with several sampleconfig files in the pak0.pk3 file.
Here is a list of the configs that ship withQuake3:
ctf.config - Basic Capture the Flag config.
ffa.config - Free For All config.
gamecyle.config - Map cycle for all Free For All Maps.
teamplay.config - Teamplay Server config.
tourney.config - Tournament Server config.
It is best to simply make your own thatdoes exactly what you want it to do. Create a file in notepad or vi or whateveryour favorite text editor is and name it server.cfg. Read below for anexplanation of the server variables.
Here is a sample of myserver.cfg for a ctf server.
My server.cfg:
// Server Config
g_gametype 4
seta sv_hostname '3DGW's Linux Quake 3 CTF'
seta sv_maxclients 16
capturelimit 8
timelimit 30
fraglimit 0
seta g_motd 'Welcome to 3DGW's Quake 3 CTF Server'
seta g_quadfactor 3
sv_pure 0
sv_maxRate 10000
seta g_inactivity 0
seta rconpassword 'secret'
g_allowvote 1
set d1 'map q3ctf1 ; set nextmap vstr d2'
set d2 'map q3ctf2 ; set nextmap vstr d3'
set d3 'map q3ctf3 ; set nextmap vstr d4'
set d4 'map q3ctf4 ; set nextmap vstr d1'
vstr d1
Server Variables
The following list are a sample of the basic variables that can be defined in your server.cfg. For a more complete list look at our Server Variable Page.
capturelimit [number] - The goal score of Capture theFlag before the winner is declared.
capturelimit 8
g_gametype [number] - Sets the gametype.
0. Free For All
1. Tournament 1 on 1
2. Single Player
3. Team Deathmatch
4. Capture the Flag
5. One Flag CTF
6. Overload
7. Harvester
g_motd [message] - Sets the Message of the Day
g_motd 'Welcome to my really cool Q3A Server'
fraglimit [number] - Sets the number of frags that must be reached before the current level will end.
fraglimit 10
sv_hostname - Name of the server
usage: sv_hostname <Hostname>
seta sv_hostname 'My Bad Ass Q3 Server'
sv_maxclients - Sets the maximum clients allowed on the server
Usage: sv_maxclients <number>
seta sv_maxclients 8
sv_pure [0/1] - This cvar if set on a server, will not permit the client to load files or pk3 files that do not exist on the server. This was done to eliminate 'Media Hacking'.
sv_pure 0
timelimit [minutes] - Sets the limit in minutes that the server will run a level before forcing a map change.
timelimit 15
One thing that server admins of Quake and Quake 2 servers hadscreamed for since nearly the end of time was map rotation. Quake 3provides this via the ability to create a variable that holds severalcommands. Therefore we get a simple map rotation by defining a variablethat holds the command to start a map and define what the next map is to beexecuted. This is more powerful than you think though so with a littlethought and creativity we should see some really cool mods based just off of maprotation.
Simple map rotation - this rotates between Q3DM1, Q3DM2, andQ3DM3 and then back to Q3DM1 to start the cycle over.
set d1 'map q3dm1 ; set nextmap vstr d2'
set d2 'map q3dm2 ; set nextmap vstr d3'
set d3 'map q3dm3 ; set nextmap vstr d1'
vstr d1
You can also define a number of other variables for each mapinside the rotation script such as capturelimit, fraglimit, timelimit, ect. This rotation runs Q3DM1 and then switches to Capture the Flag for Q3CTF2 andQ3CTF3 and then goes back to Q3DM1 Deathmatch for a ctf intermission of sorts.
set d1 'fraglimit 15 ; timelimit 10 ; g_gametype 0 ; map q3dm1 ; set nextmap vstr d2'
set d2 'fraglimit 150 ; timelimit 15 ; g_gametype 4 ; capturelimit 3 ; map q3ctf2 ; set nextmap vstr d3'
set d3 'fraglimit 150 ; timelimit 15 ; g_gametype 4 ; capturelimit 3 ; map q3ctf3 ; set nextmap vstr d1'
vstr d1
Command Line
The final step is to simply create a shell script to startyour server or a shortcut/batchfile if in windows.
com_hunkmegs [number] - allocatesa certain amount of memory for map and item loading.The default of 56 is requiredfor the client but is overkill for a dedicated server, and thus wasting preciousserver memory.For general use freefor all, tournament maps, and team deathmatch, a com_hunkmegs setting of 16is sufficient.Using the includedtournament maps only, a com_hunkmegssettingof 12 may be used to conserve morememory.Capture The Flag requires aminimum com_hunkmegs setting of 26with the included maps.
quake3.exe +set dedicated 1 +set com_hunkmegs 16
NOTE:user made or future map releases may require a higher setting.If you receive an ERROR: Hunk_Alloc failed then try increasing thecom_hunkmegs setting in increments of 2 until the map successfully loads.
dedicated [number] - Tells Quake 3 to start in dedicatedserver mode and which mode to use
+set dedicated 1 - Launches a LAN server that will not report tothe master server.
+set dedicated 2 - Launches the server for internet play andannounces its presence to the master servers so it will show up in gamespy
net_ip [IP Address] - Sets which ip address for the Quake3 server to bind to in case of multihomed servers.
quake3.exe +set dedicated 1 +set net_ip
net_port[port] - Sets which port for the server to listen on. Useful forrunning multiple servers on the same machine.
quake3.exe +set dedicated 1 +set net_port 27961
To run team Arena you must remember to set the fs_game var soit knows what dir to look in for the TA pak file by adding the following to yourcommand line:
+set fs_game missionpack
Starting the Server
For linux users it is best to use screen to launch your quake 3 server so youcan log out of the shell. If you use screen to start the server you can hti ctrla then ctrl D and it will allow you to log out of the telnet session. Youcan later re-claim the screen process by typing screen -r at the command prompt.
cd /usr/local/games/quake3
screen ./q3ded +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg
This should start your server running and execute the server.cfgand start the q3ctf1 map or whatever map you call at the end of the server.cfg.
Several people have pointed out that you can also use thecommand line:
./q3ded +set dedicated 2 +map q3dm1 > /dev/null2>&1 &
This will make the server fork off and run as a daemon. This will allow you to cron the command and make the server start automaticallyevery time the server reboots.
A third option is the use of a program called Q2GETTYwhich you can find out more about from the Q2GETTYHomepage.
In windows simply make a shortcut or a batch file that calls:
quake3.exe +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg
Note: If the Quake3.exe file is ina directory with long file names such as the default C:Program FilesQuake IIIArenaQuake3.exe you must put Quotation marks around the path and file name andput the command line outside of the quotation marks like this:
'C:Program FilesQuake III ArenaQuake3.exe' +setdedicated 1 +exec server.cfg
1. Every time the map changes it kicks some or all of theplayers back to the main menu.
This is because the players have extra models or mods installed and the sv_pure is set to 1 on the server. sv_pure should only set to 1 if you want to make sure none of the clients have any extra modifications above what the server has. Set sv_pure to 0 to resolve this.
2. Can I run a dedicated server without the CD?
Yes as long as you are running a dedicated server and bots aren't enabled on the server. Note Since 1.27g you can run bots without the CD now.
3. I want to set up a stats program but can't find where my log files are in Linux.
The log files are put in a hidden directory in the home directory of the user that the Quake 3 server is running as.
ex. if you created a user called 'bob' to run the server the log file would be in /home/bob/.q3a/baseq3/games.log
4. I constantly see these Hitch warnings like 'Hitch warning: 1748797 msec frame time' whats a hitch warning?
Here is an explanation snipped from the GameAdmin site:
Since the question 'What does the 'Hitch warning: x msec frame time' message mean on a dedicated server?' keeps coming up here, I figured it needed a real answer. Quake 3 has a program loop that is constantly handling game 'events'. The loop gets an event, handles that event, gets an event, handles that event, etc. That loop has to execute at a fairly constant rate for the game play to be smooth. However, since that loop can be interrupted by other programs running on the computer, or can be delayed when the game does some time-consuming operation (like loading levels or bots from disk), there's code in that loop that adjusts for small amounts of time lost to those interruptions (call the interruptions 'hitches'). Longer hitches cause glitches in game play (you've probably seen those where your connection to a server goes bad and everything starts jumping around).
When Quake 3 is running as a dedicated server, it warns you (via the console log) of hitches longer than 500 msec. You'll probably see hitch warnings as the game loads levels, loads bots, or other time consuming operations. The hitch warnings can be ignored as long as they are small amounts of time. However, large hitches will be noticed by the clients (with the extreme case being a temporary disconnection). (from SysError 119)
Server Bots
Here you will find info on how to add bots to your dedicatedserver. Note: on windows servers the cd is required to have bots runningon it. Weather or not this is a bug or a feature is yet to be known butthe linux server does NOT require the CD to have bots run on it.
1. Set the server to allow bots by setting bot_enable to 1 inyour server.cfg
bot_enable 1
2. add a bot. If done in the server.cfg you should putthis line after a map has been started. Thecommand is
addbot <name> [skill] [team] [delay]
addbot orbb 4 blue 20
from the remot console you would simply pull down the consolewith the ~ key and then type your rconpassword. NOTE: make sure you putthe / before rconpassword or you will essentially send everyone on the serveryour servers rconpassword.
/rconpassword secret
/rcon addbot <name> [skill] [team] [delay]
Note: you don't have to type in your /rconpassword every time.
3. To get rid of bots simply kick them. Thanks to Gulf forpointing this out.
Auto Bots
You can also set up Auto bots like Unreal Tournament where the botsfill a minimum number of players.
bot_minplayers [number] - Sets the number of minimumslots that will be filled by bots.
usage: bot_minplayers <number>
example: bot_minplayers 4
Note: I believe that this is per team. so for team games such as ctf setting this to 4 would put 4 bots on each team on an empty server.
Note: If the server is password protected by setting g_password bots are unable to join the game. If you want to run a private server with bots you might want to either use sv_privateClients and sv_privatePassword.
Stats Pages
Many programs are available for keeping player stats on yourservers. Here are the player stats of myserver. I am not going to do a section on how to install and setup theses aseach of these stats programs should have adequate instructions on theirpages. If you have or know of a stats program that I don't have listedhere please drop me an e-mail with a link on where I can get more info and Iwill add it here. bill@3dgw.com
Quake 3 Player Log -This seems to be down now.
Server Tools
Here are links to some really great server utilities that youmight want to try to make administration of your Quake 3 server easier by doingmost of the work for you. If you have or know of a program that should be listedhere please let me know. bill@3dgw.com
Quake 3 Arena Download
Quake 3 Server Wizard:This is a nice utility that will allow you to configure your server from afriendly interface. It allows setting up map rotations and bots as well.
Quake 3 Arena Download
Linux PointRelease Install
The linux point release beta is a self extracting zip so simply type:
You may have to chmod +x it as well so it will beexecutable. After running the self extracting zip it will talk you rightthrough the install. It will ask for the path to your quake 3 dir as wellas the binary path. I used /usr/local/games/quake3 for both.
The last thing to note is you will want to change your shellscript that you use to start q3 to use q3ded to start it as opposed to thelinuxq3ded that you used on the command line for the 1.11 release.
IP Banning
The point release adds the feature to ban certain ip addresses soyou can ban certain ip addresses from playing on your server for whateverreasons. I would like to first remind you that most players will havedynamic ip addresses meaning that each time they log into their isp they willhave a different ip address. This means that if your server is goodplaying grounds for a certain ip by banning one obnoxious users you may bebanning their whole isp and all their users. Just keep that in mind.
Setting up IP Banning is almost exactly like Quake 2 andQuakeWorld. First you need to set the g_filterban to 1 in your server.cfg
g_filterban 1
then to add an ip address you simply need to use the addipcommand like so:
Note you can also ban a whole class c network by simply leavingoff the last octet such as:
addip 192.168.0.
This would in effect ban everyone that was on the 192.168.0.XNetwork.
If you want to remove an ip from the banlist you can simplyissue the removeip command like so:
You can also use the g_banips command to show which ip addressesare currently banned.
'g_banIPs' is:' ^7' default:' ^7'
Remote Console
Rcon allows you to remotely control most of your servers featuresfrom the console in quake 3 without all the hassles of getting out of the gameand telneting into your server.
The first step is you need to set a rconpassword on theserver. In your server.cfg you need to have a line that sets the passwordsuch as:
seta rconpassword 'secret'
This sets your rconpassword to oddly enough, secret.
Now in order to use the remote console you will need to log ontoyour Quake 3 server and then bring down the console by hitting the ~ key andtype:
rconpassword secret
Be sure you have the backslash ' before therconpassword secret or you will essentially tell everyone on the server what therconpassword is and I can almost guarantee half of them will start playing withrcon and quit playing Quake :)
This really should have been fixed so that if anyone typed rconanything it wouldn't get broadcast to the server to protect against this veryeasy and very simple mistake. You can also set the rconpassword in yourlocal script which is the way I prefer. Simply create an autoexec.cfg inyour baseq3 directory of your client machine (not the server) and put the sameline you used to set the password on your server:
seta rconpassword 'secret'
This will allow you to issue rcon passwords on YOUR serverwithout ever having to issue the rconpassword command leaving yourself open toforget the therefore giving out your server password.
Using RCON
Now that your server and client are all setup to use RCON you can simplytype rcon and almost all of the server commands available to you.
rcon vstr d2 - change to second map in my rotation
rcon addip - ban user from
rcon g_banips - show the ban list
rcon status - show list of users on the server along with theirclient number and ip address
rcon kick 3 - kick client number 3
As you can see most commands can be used from rcon. Just makesure for your own protection that you don't send your rcon password out toeveryone on the server or you might get yourself kicked and banned :)
Most folks are not going to be content with running a regularDeathmatch Quake 3 server or CTF and are going to want to run mods such asRocket Arena, Headhunters, Jailbreak, etc. This section will give you thebasics on installing and setting up mods on your server. I would urge youto read over the documentation for each mod that you are going to install andFOLLOW their directions. This is just provided as an illustration.
Mods will require their own subdirectory under the Quake3 dir so typicallyyou will want to unzip the mod to this location. Vooshfor instance unzips to the Quake III Arena directory, NOTE that you must ensurethat the option to restore paths be used so that files in the Voosh distribution be placed in the correct place. Doing this forVoosh will put the files in the Quake III ArenVoosh directory and will stickthe Virtual machine file in the Quake III ArenaVooshvm directory.
Command Line
Next you are going to have to change the command line that you start yourserver with. You must set the fs_game variable at the command line and notin your server.cfg. With this in mind you would simply change the commandline so that it looked something like this:
'C:Program FilesQuake III Arenaquake3.exe' +set dedicated 1 +set fs_game Voosh +set com_hunkmegs 16 +exec server.cfg
The same thing would apply to linux which would make yourcommand line:
screen ./q3ded +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game Voosh +set logfile 1 +set com_hunkmegs 16 +exec server.cfg
The Config
Most mods will come with their own config file that you can edit to config themod to your liking and your server. Others will simply require you maketheir own and allow you to include several mod specific commands and variable inthem. What you need in the way of config files really depends on the mod you arerunning so you should refer to the mods documentation for specific instructions.
Quake 3 Arena Steam Charts
Voosh for instance has two configs that run on every mapchange. To install Voosh you will want to make sure the settings in theVoosh.cfg and the instagib.cfg(if set to instagib) are configured the way youwant them. Then you simply need to create a server.cfg that has the baseconfiguration stuff such as Hostname, Message of the Day, Fraglimit, Timelimit,etc. You must also set up your map rotation here as well.