Open .iqy File In Excel 2017

Open .iqy file in excel 2017 pdfOpen .iqy File In Excel 2017
October 4th 05, 08:17 PM
Thank you all ...
It's here because the file opens with Excel. It's a web based query file
that prior to the replacement of the baoard opened with no problems.
I've tested the file on other machines here and it opens with no problems.
When attempting to open the file I get the error that says 'there are
compenents that are either missing or corrupt'. However it doesn't identify
those components. I've tried running Office Repair', then uninstalled Office
Suite and reinstalled - same issue.
'Simon Murphy' wrote:

Did you re-install office? with all the right options?
I think they are just plain text, so the likely issue is the .iqy extension
is not associated with Excel
Can you right click in windows explorer and choose to always open with
'George Scott' wrote in message
The motherboard in my laptop was replaced. Since then I have been unable
open a iqy file. I have tried it on other users machines and it opens
Any help would be appreciated.

Open .iqy File In Excel 2017 Pdf


I have created a 64 bit office 2010 excel application and when trying to open an existing.xls file from physical machine through virtual xls, all the.xls files are showing as unknown file types. However I am able to open the documents.

Open .iqy File In Excel 2017 Free

  • Click the Create IQY File button. In the File Download window, click one of the following buttons: Open - Downloads the View output as a Microsoft Excel Web Query (.iqy) file and opens it in Excel. Save - Opens the Save As dialog box, where you can select the folder in which you want to save the IQY file. This allows you to save the file so.
  • First, we need to export our list to Excel via ListExport to Excel. Open the iqy file in excel. This creates the necessary data connection in Excel which we will examine next. Because this is an external data source we need to Enable the connection.