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You can get Android 12 in any of these ways:

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Connect your phone. Now hit the road. Connect your phone to your car display—your Android apps show up onscreen, just like that. Tap to get driving directions or talk to send a text. Even call your mom, hands-free. Android Auto is made to help you focus on the road. And have fun along the way. Just plug in and go. Check compatibility.

Get Android 12 Beta on a Google Pixel device

  • In Android Studio, click Tools AVD Manager, and follow the instructions to create a new Android Virtual Device (AVD). Be sure to select a Pixel 3, 3a, 4, 4a, or 5 device definition and a 64-bit Android 12 emulator system image. Note that 32-bit Android emulator system images are not supported in Android 12.
  • Nov 04, 2016 Parallels Remote Application Server (RAS) is an industry-leading solution for virtual application and desktop delivery. This cloud-ready, scalable product supports deployment through Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. Parallels RAS offers an impressive, native-like mobile experience on iOS and Android devices.

The easiest way to get Android 12 Beta on a Google Pixel device is toenroll your device in the Android Beta for Pixel program.Once enrolled, your device will receive regular over-the-air (OTA) updates tothe latest Android 12 builds through (and including) the final release.Enrolling is a simple and fast process, and it's highly recommended for earlyadopters and developers. In most cases, you don't need to do a full reset ofyour data to move to Android 12 Beta, but it’s recommended that you back up databefore enrolling your device.

Android Image For Parallels

Android 12 Beta is available for Pixel 5, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4,Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3, and Pixel 3 XL devices.

Alternatively, you can flash or manually install the latest Android 12 Betabuild on your Pixel device. These approaches can be useful when you need morecontrol over testing, such as for automated testing or regression testing.

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Flash or manually install a system image

The recommended way to flash Android 12 to a Pixel device is to use theAndroid Flash Tool.

If you'd rather flash your device manually, you can get an Android 12 systemimage for your device on the Pixel downloads page.See the general instructions on the downloads page for how to flash a systemimage to your device. This approach can be useful when you need more controlover testing, such as for automated testing or regression testing.

Note: Once you've flashed a Beta build to a supported Pixel device, you'reautomatically enrolled in over-the-air updates of all subsequent Beta buildsthrough the final release.

Get Android 12 Beta on a partner device

Many of our device-maker partners are offering Android 12 Beta for you to tryon some of their top devices. Partners include ASUS, OnePlus, OPPO, realme,Sharp, TECNO, TCL, Vivo, Xiaomi, and ZTE.

You can learn how to install Android 12 Beta by visiting each partner's site.Each partner provides a system image that you can download and flash. Somepartners might also support over-the-air (OTA) delivery. Each partner providessupport resources to guide you through the installation process — use theGet the Beta link on the Android 12 Beta devicespage to jump to the partner's download and OTA information.

Each Android 12 Beta partner provides its own channel for reporting issues foundon their Beta device. We highly recommend using each partner's feedback channelto report bugs and feedback that are specific to the device.

Set up an Android emulator

Configuring an Android emulator to run Android 12 is a great solution forexploring new features and APIs and testing Android 12 behavior changes. Settingup an emulator is fast and convenient and allows you to emulate various screensites and device characteristics.

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Android Image For Parallels

You can set up an emulator from inside Android Studio by doing the following:

  1. Install the latest Preview build of Android Studio.
  2. In Android Studio, click Tools > SDK Manager.
  3. In the SDK Tools tab, select the latest version of Android Emulator,and click OK. This action installs the latest version if it isn'talready installed.
  4. In Android Studio, click Tools > AVD Manager, and follow theinstructions to create a new Android Virtual Device (AVD).

    Be sure to select a Pixel 3, 3a, 4, 4a, or 5 device definition and a64-bit Android 12 emulator system image. Note that 32-bit Android emulatorsystem images are not supported in Android 12. If you don't already havean Android 12 system image installed that matches your device definition,click Download next to the Release Name to get it.

  5. Return to the list of virtual devices in the AVD Manager, and thendouble-click your Android 12 virtual device to launch it.

Get a generic system image (GSI)

Android Generic System Image (GSI) binariesare available to developers for app testing and validation purposes on supportedTreble-compliant devices. You can use these images to address any compatibilityissues with Android 12 as well as discover and report OS and framework issuesbefore Android 12 is officially released.

See the GSI documentation for devicerequirements, flashing instructions, and information on choosing the right imagetype for your device. Once you're ready to download a GSI binary, see theDownloads section on theAndroid 12 GSI page.

Get Android 12 Beta for Android TV

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The Android 12 Beta for Android TV is provided through system images for theADT-3 Developer Kit.

See Android 12 Beta for TV to get started.

More information

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To learn about which changes might affect you, and to learn how to testthese changes in your app, read the following topics:

Android Image For Parallels Download

To learn more about new APIs and features available in Android 12, readAndroid 12 features.